Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The access points that you can purchase guest privacy is one of our priorities. Document about the Privacy Policy covers what kind of information goes and is marked, and we use it.

How To Solve It

By using our website, you agree to our privacy policy and agree to its terms.

Information we collect from you

You are allowed to be asked to provide personal information and the reasons for their permission will be asked to give it, which will be described in the section where we ask for personal information.

If you want to contact us, you will find more details like name, email address, phone number, message content, and/or the link that you can send us, as well as any other personal information you may choose. Give up.

When you sign up for an account, we may request contact information, including items such as name, company name, address, email address, and phone number.

How We Use Your Information

We use the collected data in various ways, including the following::

  • Software, operation, and support
  • For improvements, extensions, and extensions
  • To understand and evaluate how you use our website
  • Creating new products, services, features, and features

Registration files below are standard procedures to use log files. These files are records of users who visit websites. All hosting companies that do this, and analytics are part of hosting services. The information received by the log files includes Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP) points, date/time stamp, links/exit pages, and multiple clicks. They are not associated with personal information. The purpose of this information is to analyze trends, administer the site, monitor the movement of site users, and collect demographic information.

Cookies and web beacons

Other websites https:/ uses a selection of cakes. These cookies are used to store information about the visitor’s preferences, as well as to visit or be visited by the visitor on the pages. This information is used to improve the user experience by improving the content of our web page depending on the browser type and/or other information in olmalar.

For more information about cookies, please read the section ” What are cookies consent, refusal based on consent?

DoubleClick dart cookie Google

Google is one of the third-party Internet service providers on our site. It also uses cookies, known as dart cookies, to advertise, guest, on our site based on a visit this site and other sites on the Internet. But visitors opt out of using the DART assistive by visiting the Google Advertising and Online Content Privacy Policy at:

Privacy Policy Advertising Partners

You can use this list to find our privacy policy for each of the following: advertising for partners.

Third-party advertising servers or ad networks use technologies such as cookies, JavaScript, or web beacons using their ads and the links that appear on the site. it will be sent directly to the user. The user’s web browser. . When this happens, they will automatically receive your IP address. This technology is used to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and/or to improve the advertising that is displayed on the website that you visit.

Please note that use these cookies, which are used by third-party advertisers, do not have access to or control over them.

Third-Party Privacy Policy

This is The privacy policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Therefore, we check the relevant privacy policies of third-party advertising servers for more detailed information. Instructions on how to overcome or his skills and some skills may be included.

You can disable all cookies by using your browser’s privacy settings. Detailed information and management of cookies using special web browsers can be found on the websites of the respective web browsers.

Personal CCPA’s

CCPA, California consumers are eligible for:
There is a business that collects personal data from consumers to publish a specific type of data and personal information so that the company can collect information about the consumer.
Ask the company to delete for individual consumers to collect businesses ‘ information.
Please, whether the company sells personal consumption data, information that is not for personal consumption information.
If you ask, we have a month to answer you. If you want to use any of these rights, if you have, please let us know.

GDPR, right to personal data protection

We want to make sure that you are fully aware of all your data. Users have the following rights::
Storage – you have the right to request a copy of the data. We will charge you a small fee for this service.
The right to change and we reserve the right to make a request, you can edit all the information that you consider inaccurate. You, you also have the right to request that
we be complete with the information you consider average. Right to deletion Under certain conditions, you have the right to request the deletion of your data.
Right to control the processing of certain conditions you have the right to request that we control personal information.
Directly against processing By certain terms and conditions, we reserve the right to object to data processing.
You have the right, under certain conditions, to request that the collected data be given to us by other companies or directly to you.
If you ask, we have a month to answer you. If you want to use any of these rights, if you have, please let us know.

Children, information about

Improving the safety of children when using the Internet is another area we value most. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate, and/or monitor.